
Showing posts from November, 2022


  The college falls among the main 10 medical colleges in China which offer a huge scope of medical courses including medical courses such as the MBBS, Nursing Program, Preventive medicines program, Dentistry program, and other medical courses. Below are the Jilin University Courses offered to medical students. MBBS program at Jilin University is a complete 5 years of study & 1-year internship program. All the lessons are come up with in the English language to make medical education simple for different countries students to study in China. In the 5 years of the study pattern, the student is trained in the core and modern knowledge of medicine, where the students study the main branches of Medical science like biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, and more. The best medical universities in China give outstanding educational structures. The university has a library provision with all the latest editions of medical books, a cafeteria, a gym, and other stuff for students...

Jilin Medical University Fees Structure and Ranking

  Ranking Country Ranking – 35th World Ranking - 1504th F ees Structure The tuition fees for international students at J il in Medical University are listed below : • Medic ine ( MB BS ): R MB 35 , 000 per year • Cl inical Medicine : R MB 28 , 000 per year • N urs ing : R MB 25 , 000 per year • Labor atory Medicine : R MB 25 , 000 per year • St om at ology ( B DS ): R MB 25 , 000 per year • Ph arm acy : R MB 25 , 000 per year • An at omy : R MB 25 , 000 per year • Public Health : R MB 25 , 000 per year • Medical Imaging : R MB 25 , 000 per year • Medical Imaging Technology : R MB 25 , 000 per year • Micro biology : R MB 25 , 000 per year • Cl inical Laboratory Science : R MB 25 , 000 per year • Cl inical Medicine ( English Medium ): R MB 28 , 000 per year The tuition fees include accommodation and medical insurance . There may be additional fees ...

Why Choose Jilin Medical University????

The college has seven grounds in six regions that are home to 47 universities covering scholastic disciplines, including philosophy, economics, law, literature, education, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management, military science, and art. There are more than 50 mixed media and language-studying lecture rooms for other students. Jilin University has 20 fundamental science laboratories. In these universities number of campuses and grounds for gymnasiums, stadiums, and arenas for basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and artistic gymnastics. The superb campus stadium, which has a grass soccer field nearby and grades synthetic racetracks, has 10,000 seats. Jilin University has attached to more than 280+ universities, colleges, and research institutes in 39 countries.  Over 2,000 international candidates currently take part in the university. This university has a 611 (1,510 acres) campus. Candidates, here are the best news for you. We have booked some more ...


 Jilin University was established in 1946, in Changchun, China. This university has a span of 75+ years to impact the top medical education. Jilin University united with distinct universities and colleges and its name changed countless times. The university provides 6 years of medical courses. The college has 15,626 governmental employees. Presently, this college has 71,000+ students who concentrate here. The following are 27,397 postgraduate students, 43,260 undergraduate, and candidates, and north of 2,000 abroad students. The college has 129 undergrad programs, 304 graduate degree programs, 244 doctoral certification programs, and 42 communities for post-doctoral studies. Jilin College has 6,657 employees altogether, among which there are 2,110 teachers and 1,618 doctoral counselors. The college has seven grounds in six regions that are home to 47 universities covering 13 scholastic disciplines, including philosophy, economics, law, literature, education, history, science, engin...